Bottoms Up! Burlesque Revue

For the first time we are excited to announce an end of term show for our wonderful Burlesque students. The Bottoms Up! Burlesque Revue.

We are bringing the studio to the stage on Saturday 3rdAugust at 24 Moons, and all of our Burlesque genres will be performing.

Our Burlesque courses have been designed for every body & any body. All ages, all genres, all inclusive. Anyone. Learning the extensive & varied history of Burlesque through our diverse courses, students discover technique & moves and are guided through choreographed group routines gaining & developing body awareness & confidence along with a cheeky & seductive burlesque attitude. Don’t you want to be a part of this!?

Well, you can.

Come and be enthralled by group performances by;

Strip N’ Strut choreographed by Bella de Jac

Seductive & sexy, the art of the tease. Classic Burlesque. Hip thrusting, grinding, shimmying and shaking. Oh la la.

Chair Trickery choreographed by Justine

A modern take (neo-burlesque) using the humble chair as an apparatus. Sometimes sassy, sometimes classic, what will it be this term?!

Feathered fan dance choreographed by Bella de Jac

Be awed by the beauty & feminity of feathered fan dance. Fan dancing is one of the most eye-catching intoxicating & alluring features of Burlesque dancing, often with a little twist …..

Silk Fans choreographed by Bella de Jac

A different style & approach to feathered fan dance, but still glamourous & enchanting.

BurlyRock choreograhed by Ferri Maya

All hail to the reigning Miss Burlesque Melbourne and BurlyRock Queen, Ferri f@#*ing Maya! Big tunes, big moves, big attitudes & big presence.

Bottoms Up Troupe choreographed by Justine

What will they bring to the stage this time? Guess we will see on the night! Our Troupe have been performing together for some time and are always a highlight at our end of year show extravaganzas.

Along with our delectable group performances you will be treated to Solo performances by

Bella de Jac, Ferri Maya, LoliBox, Dallas Fox & Ivy Hart

And simply because we cannot keep them off the stage random, appearances by the cheeky & wayward Cheese Girls.

Our Master of Ceremonies for the evening the glorious Mama Shak.

As with all Bottoms Up shows you can be assured of giveaways and hilarious games & stage antics.

Gosh, doesn’t this sound like fun! We therefore would love you to support your friends & family and make a loud & bawdy crowd. Many of the performers on the night HAVE NEVER BEEN ON STAGE BEFORE!! This will be daunting but so much fun, and the exhilaration they will feel from you, their crowd, urging them on, will excite them. Let’s make everyone proud!

You can purchase your tickets from

Tickets are $25 + booking fee

Saturday 3rdAugust @ 24 Moons (2 Arthurton Road, Northcote)

Doors open 7pm Showtime is 8pm sharp!

If Jacquie can fly in from Vietnam on the morning of the 3rdAugust to be there – then you can too!!